For over 34 years, EDMISS has enabled over 170 Language Schools and Career Colleges to grow and streamline back office operations.
Edmiss enhances productivity and provides a comprehensive solution to integrate and streamline your business processes.
A comprehensive software suite to assist you in managing Language Schools and Career Colleges
Our Services

- Progressive changing Classing allocation for Language Programs during the period based on changing English Level with recording of class changes up to weekly.
- Career Classing allocation based on subject or competency.
- Both Language and Career Program entry of results by class and entry of absence by class from the Edmiss application and the Teacher portal.
- Students can see their Class Timetable using the College Edmiss Student portal and iPhone and android app.
Progressive classing class allocation option for Language classes based on language levels with allocation changes up to weekly. Career College classes based in subjects assigned for period or semester.

- Student Career Program subject results and assessments are entered for a Class by the Trainer, Teacher or administrator directly in the Edmiss application or Teacher portal
- Language Class Program results and assessments can be entered for a Class by Teacher in the Teacher portal or administrative user in the Edmiss application
- Assessment Results can be seen by Students in the Student portal and your Colleges Edmiss iPhone and Android app
Results can be entered for language and career by class. Results can be viewed during class allocation.

SMS & Email
Send sms messages and rich html formatted emails to personalise messages for:
- Attendance warnings
- Overdue fees
- Holiday and semester opening and closing times and dates
- Activities
- Meeting notifications
SMS & Email
Single and bulk email with or without attachments texts or HTML supported with templates.

Agent Management
- Agent performance by program, program weeks, revenue for period, cancellations and adjustments, with prior period comparison
- Commission rates for tuition percentage calculated by enrolment including agent taxes
- Scheduled fees shows agent gross commission payment refunds
- Lists all students past, current and future program enrolments and offers (potential enquiries)
Agent Management
Financial, billing and reconciliation, performance monitoring, contact and document management.

Accommodation & Transfer Management
- accommodation requests
- accommodation provider management and categories,
- finding availability by date, bed type and categories,
- allocating placements
- scheduled payments
- scheduling airport transfer requests
Accommodation and Transfer Management
Accommodation matching, placement and billing and reconciliation for accommodation and transfer management.

Document Repository
From anywhere access:
- Student passport copies
- Acceptance advice
- Application signed copies
- Automatically stored any sent emails and SMS messages
- Proof of competency – documentation, scanned image or movie
Document Repository
Store documentation for student contact, Student Results & Certificates, agents and Accommodation providers – all accessible via internet

Integrated Financials
Student, Agent, Accommodation accounts, scheduled payments, invoices, receipting, credits, debits, with revenue calculated by day.
Integrated Financials
Student, Agent, Accommodation accounts, scheduled payments, invoices, receipting, credits, debits, with revenue calculated by day.

Pathway Management
Pathway provides for the management of applications to pathway colleges for students enrolled in your collage.
Pathway Management
Pathways provides for the management of applications to pathway Colleges for students enrolled in your College.

Integrated Survey
Integrated Survey
Surveys generated, integrated and feedback analysed within Edmiss
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